best child therapy
best child therapy
best child therapy

Foster & Work Toward...

  • Long-term Mental Fitness
  • Emotional Wellness
  • Social Competence
  • Self Confidence
  • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Positive Self-Esteem
  • Secure Attachment
  • Stress/Anxiety Reducing
  • Symptom Improving
  • child therapy


  • 自閉/亞斯伯格/選擇性緘默
  • 憂鬱症/焦慮症
  • 過動/注意力不集中/無法專心
  • 拖延/行為問題/學習障礙
  • 精神創傷/惡夢/失眠
  • 社群與交友問題
  • 性向懷疑與認同焦慮
  • 兄弟姊妹衝突與不合
  • 自信心及自尊心低落
  • 自我價值低落與困惑
  • 族裔認同混淆與抗拒
  • 自我目標設定及執行困難
  • 與父母及監護者溝通問題與衝突
  • child therapy
play therapy

This therapeutic framework features individual child play therapy and add-on parental sessions to support the process if necessary. Children interact and build relationships with self, others, and the world through play. Play therapy is a unique intervention that does not use language and verbal conversation as the only tool for communication. A safe environment is provided with special mediums and tools for children to explore, express, process and recognize their thoughts and feelings accumulated through daily life experiences. The therapist interacts with the young clients with therapeutic techniques while following their lead in the playroom. When necessary, the therapist and the child's parent(s) will meet in parental sessions to synchronize and address corresponding parenting and family issues in the child's family system.

我在與兒童及青少年個案合作時使用遊戲治療,相對於成人發展出使用語言來做最主要的溝通方式,對於兒童及正在發展的青少年來說,最自然的與世界溝通互動的方法就是遊戲了。 遊戲提供了我們預習演練與真實世界互動的舞台。人類生來就會玩,不需要教。我們在兒童時期通過遊戲來達成認知發展、身體動作能力協調發展、以及情感情緒協調發展三項重要目的。 遊戲治療是經由專業訓練的心理師輔助,使用遊戲治療的技巧所做的心理治療。與孩子以遊戲治療互動達到療效,就如同與成人個案主要以語言溝通來互動達成療效一樣。 遊戲治療的基礎原理、內容、及過程,與平時在家裡或學校玩遊戲,或是去上課及受訓,有相當大的差別。如果您想要為孩子提供一個安全、專屬、別處沒有的個人心靈調適及治癒空間,不妨試試遊戲治療吧。