best mandarin speaking couple therapy
best mandarin speaking couple therapy
best mandarin speaking couple therapy

Couples Work Toward...

  • Life-long Mutual Growth
  • Cultivating Differentiation
  • Stronger Emotional Bond
  • Enduring Intimacy
  • Embracing Differences
  • Better Communication

Family Works Toward...

  • Coherence & Harmony
  • Cultivating Compassion
  • Recognizing Family Strengths
  • Reconstructing Dynamics
  • Healthy Boundaries
  • Effective Communication


  • 婚前諮商評估
  • 教養觀念不同
  • 金錢觀與價值觀歧異
  • 親密關係冷淡、無法破冰
  • 外遇、出軌、及信任問題
  • 婆媳、姻親導致的夫妻衝突
  • 產前產後焦慮及憂鬱
  • 性生活不協調
  • 不孕導致的壓力與衝突
  • 各種家庭暴力及虐待問題
  • 伴侶間失去熱情、無良性互動
  • 異族通婚與文化差異導致的問題
  • 移民壓力導致的夫妻失和與衝突
best mandarin speaking couple therapy

In couple therapy and family therapy, you, your spouse/partner, and/or other family members will participate in sessions together. After confirming all participants are synchronized in the therapeutic goal, your therapist joins your family system and assists you to recognize and acknowledge potential unhealthy relational dynamics and interacting patterns. In next phase of the process, your therapist will attempt to facilitate changes in your relational dynamic through various therapeutic techniques. You should expect some struggle in this stage for it takes time and efforts to think and act differently. If all participants are able to trust this process with genuine intensions of pursuing a better relationship, your couple or family system will gradually shift into a new balance in which the old symptoms subside.

您是否在親密關係中感到失望、無奈,甚至絕望? 是否感覺陷入無法與另一半溝通的泥淖,或是因為得不到另一半的理解與體諒而感到委屈與無力感? 我提供婚姻治療及伴侶諮商服務。婚姻諮商的目的,並不在於找出誰才是有問題的那一個,並完全聚焦在如何改變該成員,而是以家庭及人際系統的角度, 找出卡住的部分,並加以調整。在這個過程中我會幫助您重新檢視個人角色在兩人關係中扮演的功能,重新塑造親密關係的健康結構與互動, 並培養對自己的情緒、思維、以及行為負責任的態度,以期達到在新的動態互動平衡中,舊的問題得到緩解,甚或不復存在。