Process & Work On Your...
- Personal Growth
- Life Transition
- Relationship
- Decision-making
- Self Compassion
- Self Identity & Esteem
- Grief & Loss
- Trauma & Wounds
- Anger & Resentment
- Shame & Guiltiness
- Sadness & Sorrow
- Worry & Fear
- Stress & Anxiety
- 憂鬱低潮
- 焦慮恐慌
- 壓力釋放
- 焦躁易怒
- 創傷療癒
- 悲慟失落
- 愧疚自責
- 自我成長
- 溝通合作技巧
- 環境及情境適應
- 家庭關係與衝突
- 日常行為及作息失衡
- 情感社交及人際關係
- 自我認知和自我價值
In individual therapy, you will work with the therapist one-on-one in a safe environment where you can completely open up to yourself. In this setting, you can keep a simple therapeutic relationship with the therapist in total protection of privacy and confidentiality. Without other participants in your sessions, your therapist gives you full attention and tailors the treatment plan to your needs. In your journey together with the therapist, she will assist you to process feelings and thoughts, and deepen your insights. Individual therapy offers the opportunity of re-connecting to your inner self, recognizing your positive traits, and becoming resilient to take on life challenges.
我提供心理諮商給各個性別、性向、年齡層、及家庭文化背景的個人。諮商師會與您討論最適合您的療程,並且根據您在過程中的回饋及進度,彈性調整。 個人諮商是相對來說最單純的一種諮商模式,在一對一的隱私保護環境裡,諮商師將會給予您一個人完全的關注與傾聽。在這段與諮商師一同經歷的旅程中, 您將會有機會重新整理及修復自己的情緒與情感,與內在的自己與外在的世界,重新做連結,並朝著達到心靈保健與自我成長的方向邁進。